Hammond Transformers 6V6 Push-Pull Tube Amplifier Circuit Diagram

This 6V6 amp was congenital afterward the push-pull (PP) EL84 / 6V6 Dynaco A-410 achievement agent schematic. There are a few accessory deviations from the aboriginal schematics. Instead of Dynaco transformers, Hammond 1608A audio achievement transformers and a Hammond 272HX ability agent were used. The EL84 / 6V6 PP Dynaco A-410 achievement agent schematic showed a 1000 ohm acknowledgment resistor which resulted in bad amplifier oscillation. Acknowledgment resistor Values amid about 6 and 10 k-ohm formed able-bodied and I acclimatized on 10k. A 5Y3 rectifier would accept been to baby for a stereo amp so a JJ GZ34 rectifier was used. It became all-important to put a 100 ohm resistor afore the aboriginal ability accumulation capacitor to accompany bottomward the B+ to about 325 volts as I was accepting in balance of 345 volts (there is beneath voltage bead through a GZ34 against a 5Y3).
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