12V Stroboscope 250-400V DC Circuit Diagram

The stoboscope tube needs about 250-400V DC to operate. This aerial voltage is generated application simple voltage footfall up ambit congenital from transistors Q1,Q2 and agent T1. This ambit gives out about 230V AC voltage which is again rectified with afterlight arch U1 (must accept at atomic 400V voltage rating) and stored to the capital capacitor C1.
I congenital my stroboscope from genitalia taken from old camera beam unit. This access gave me nice beam tube with reflector, activate agent and some of the capacitors (for archetype C1). Other genitalia were the one luying around. I acclimated some aberrant triac I begin in my for the triggering circuit, but any triac which can handle at atomic 1A and 400V should do the job well.
12V Stroboscope 250-400V DC Ambit Component list
R1 1.2 kohm 1/2W
R2 1.2 kohm 1/2W
R3 120 ohm 2W
R4 10 kohm 1/2W
C1 100..150 uF 400V beam capacitor (from camera beam unit)
C2 4.7 uF 400V
C3 1 uF 400V
CZ 33 nF 400V
Q1 2N5983 NPN ability transistors
Q2 2N5983 NPN ability transistors
Q3 MAC216-4 Triac
TUBE Xenon beam tube (taken from camera beam unit)
T1 220V to 2x9V transformer, at atomic 10W ability rating
T2 Xenon beam tube activate agent (from camera beam unit)
T3 Thyristor activate agent with acceptable isolation
U1 Rectifier 1A 400V (can be body from four 1N4007 diodes)
S1 Switch one of three, at atomic 2A 400V rating
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