Sunday, August 22, 2010

Latest DeLaSalle School electric car Photos

Latest DeLaSalle School electric car Photos
New DeLaSalle School electric car Photos
Latest DeLaSalle School electric car Pics
A aggregation of acceptance demography allotment in the Automobile Design Studio at Kansas City's DeLaSalle School accept put calm an electric car they anticipate could be the best able in the world. Testing on the 7.7 mile egg-shaped of Bridgestone's Texas Proving Ground accept accustomed them a cardinal that the Automotive X-Prize participants would be anxious of – 307 afar per gallon equivalent.

The acceptance started with a 2000 Lola Indy Car anatomy and, with the advice of adviser Steve Rees and added mentors, developed an electric drivetrain, covered the racer in a bright carapace and outfitted it with a set of low rolling attrition Bridgestone Ecopia EP100 tires. While we can't say whether it is the best able electric anytime built, the Guinness Book of Records association accept been asked to counterbalance in on the matter. Hit the jump for a brace of videos discussing the activity and assuming it actuality put calm and tested.

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